Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Natural Treatment and Cause of Hypothyroidism

The thyroid is the thermostat of the body. It produces hormones that work to keep our metabolic rate stable and keep energy-producing processes in balance. The thyroid is essential in protein synthesis, growth, temperature regulation, and oxygen consumption of cells. If the thyroid is deficient, the rest of the body functions poorly. With low thyroid, cholesterol can shoot up to dangerous levels.

Hypothyroidism is a health problem that occurs due to underactive thyroid gland. Due to hypothyroidism the metabolism rate of the body gets affected as metabolism is controlled mainly by the help of thyroid gland. Under-active or hypothyroid conditions can cause low energy.

Symptoms associated with hypothyroidism are fatigue, increased sensitivity to cold, constipation, dry skin, puffy face, hoarse voice, cramping of muscles, sudden weight gain, depression and brittle fingernails and hair.

Causes for Hypothyroidism

Some causes of low thyroid besides inheritance are : iodine depletion, x-rays or low dose radiation, pituitary and thyroid malfunction, air and environmental pollutants, overuse of diet pills and other drugs, and vitamin A, E, and zinc deficiency. 

Many times it is caused by lifestyle factors such as poor eating habits, lack of sleep, not handling stress well. Other times it can be environmental toxins causing or contributing to such a condition.

Home Remedies for Hypothyroidism

  • The enzymes from live foods help the body to maintain proper metabolism. Foods that heal include sprouts, salads, raw vegetables, and thermos cooked grains to retain enzymes which heal and feed the glands.
  • Eat foods rich in vitamin A, such as yellow vegetables, eggs, carrots, and dark green vegetables. 
  • Iodine rich foods that nourish the thyroid are: fish and sea vegetables such as kelp. Seaweeds are very nourishing to the glands.
  • Zinc and copper are important in helping the body make thyroid hormone. 
  • Foods rich in zinc are : beef, oatmeal, chicken, seafood, dried beans, bran, spinach, seeds, and nuts. 
  • Foods rich in copper are : organ meats, eggs, yeast, legumes, nuts, and raisins.
  • The amino acid tyrosine is helpful. Tyrosine is found in beef, chicken, and fish. Soy should be only used in small amounts.
  • Meditation and visualization using colour therapy may be helpful. Visualize a beautiful blue light and feel the colour into the thyroid area. Blue is a very soothing and healing colour. It stables our energy.
  • Aerobic exercise such as jumping or fast walking may enhance our nutritional program and help to strengthen the thyroid. Exercises regularly help us to improve our blood flow which will help supply the cells in your body with fresh nutrients and oxygen while burning off toxins.
Effect of Coconut Oils on Hypothyroidism

When the oils are stored in our tissues, they are much warmer and more directly exposed to oxygen and so their tendency to oxidize is very great. These oxidative processes can damage enzymes and other parts of cells, and especially their ability to produce energy. The enzymes which break down proteins are inhibited by unsaturated fats; these enzymes are needed not only for digestion, but also for production of thyroid hormones, clot removal, immunity, and the general adaptability of cells. 

Since the unsaturated oils block protein digestion in the stomach, we can be malnourished even while “eating well.” There are many changes in hormones caused by unsaturated fats. Unsaturated oils block thyroid hormone secretion, its movement in the circulatory system, and the response of tissues to the hormone. 

Coconut oil has ability to prevent weight-gain or cure obesity by stimulating metabolism. It is quickly metabolized and functions in some ways as an antioxidant.

Coconut oil is saturated and very stable. Coconut oil does not require the enzyme stress that vegetable oils do, preventing T4 to T3 hormone conversion, not only because it is a stable oil, but also because it is processed differently in the body and does not need to be broken down by enzyme dependent processes as do long chain fatty acids. Also, since the liver is the main place where damage occurs from oxidized oils that cause cell membrane damage, and since the liver is where much of the conversion of T4 to T3 takes place, eliminating long chain fatty acids from the diet and replacing them with medium chain fatty acids found in coconut oil can help in rebuilding cell membranes and increasing enzyme production that will assist in promoting the conversion of T4 to T3 hormones.

There are many natural remedies that can help in preventing, controlling and treating Hypothyroidism.
  • Iodine : Iodine is essential to ensure proper functioning of thyroid gland. The iodine level of our body can be increased by including natural sources of iodine in our diet. Some of natural sources of Iodine are yoghurt, fish, meat, eggs, seafood, potato, radish, bananas, oatmeal and salt.
  • Ginger : Ginger is a good source of zinc, magnesium and potassium and its powerful anti-inflammatory properties can help in improving the functionality of thyroid. Fresh ginger root slices can be added to soups and other dishes or used as ginger herbal tea. Herbal tea with ginger is beneficial for thyroid functioning.
  • Coconut Oil : Coconut oil contains medium chain fatty acids which help in improving the functionality of thyroid. It also boosts the body metabolism rate. Coconut oil is a saturated fat that we can consume by adding it to milk. 
  • Primrose Oil : Primrose oil is rich in amino acids which nourish the thyroid gland. This oil can help in improving the functionalities of thyroid gland and it also remove the problems associated with hypothyroidism such as hair loss and heavy menstrual flow.
  • Black Walnut : Black walnut is a good source of organic iodine. Black walnut which is also rich in magnesium helps in improving the functionality of thyroid gland.
  • Flax Seeds : Flax seeds contain a good amount of omega 3 fatty acids which are essential for smooth functioning of the thyroid gland. Take a tablespoon of ground flaxseeds and have with water every day on empty stomach. We can also consume a teaspoon of flax seed oil daily to improve the functionality of the thyroid gland. 
  • Nettle Herb : Nettle herb is a rich source of iodine. Nettle herb is good to balance the thyroid with both under and over activity. Nettle can be used to make an herbal tea which can be consumed three times a day. We can use nettle oil for gently massaging the neck area. This will encourage production of thyroid.
For proper functioning of thyroid gland, it is important to expose your body for twenty minutes daily to early morning sunrays. This helps us to maintain the vitamin D level of our body which plays a important role in maintaining healthy immune function and calcium metabolism.

The use of "toning" or singing the tone of G may also help to balance and stimulate the throat area. 

Precautions for Hypothyroidism
  • Avoid refined foods, saturated fats, sugars, and white flour products. If the thyroid problem is severe it is then good to avoid brussels sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, kale, mustard greens, peaches and pears as they have anti-thyroid substances and may suppress the thyroid function.
  • Carbohydrates other than those contained by potatoes and whole wheat products should be avoided. Cakes, pastries, sweets and other calorie rich items should be avoided.
  • Certain food items containing preservatives, white flour products and stuffs high on sugar should be avoided by thyroid patients.
  • Beverages including coffee, tea, carbonated drinks and alcohols should be avoided by patients afflicted with thyroid disorders. In its place herbal tea may be an alternative option.

1 comment:

  1. Some food contains preservatives which are harmful for health. People should avoid such food at all cost. Fast food is increasing the obesity in people. Coffee and other weight loss beverages are the only hope now.

    Kopi Luwak


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